Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Kawaii Resources ♡ Usakumya Stickers

Usakumya stickers

Imagens fofinhas abaixo!

Cute images ahead!

ribbons pixel art

Estou um pouco sobrecarregada com as coisas que estão acontecendo (mesmo que sejam boas), então não tive muito tempo para atualizar meu blog. Também estarei viajando em breve, então provavelmente só postarei sobre minha viagem depois do dia 20. Enquanto isso, pensei em compartilhar algumas das imagens fofas/stickers de Usakumya e Kumakumya que encontrei pela internet. Claro, minha primeira motivação para fazer isso é porque elas são fofas, mas isso também significa que está organizado e não apenas espalhado pelos meus posts.

I am a bit overwhelmed with stuff that's going on (even though it's good) so I haven't had much time to update my blog. I'll also be travelling soon, so I will probably only post about my trip after the 20th. In the meanwhile, I thought I could share some of the cute Usakumya and Kumakumya images/stickers I found around the internet. Of course, my first motivation to do that is because they're cute, but that also means it's organized and not just scattered through my posts.

usakumya yahoooUsakumya nice to meet you! Usakumya is upset
Usakumya apologizing Usakumya mega angry Usakumya dancing
Usakumya confused usakumya celebrating Usakumya feeling determined
Usakumya eating donuts Usakumya with a gift box Usakumya drinking green tea
Usakumya with a shopping bag Usakumya as a rococo princess Usakumya singing
Usakumya calling out or laughing Usakumya agreeing Usakumya asking nicely for something
Usakumya disappointed Usakumya exclamation Usakumya hiding
Usakumya is in a hurry Usakumya is determined / interested in something usakumya disheartened
Usakumya has many questions Usakumya feeling like she failed Usakumya is exhausted
Usakumya is rolling on the floorUsakumya surprised usakumya sleeping
usakumya no usakumya ok usakumya yes
usakumya crying happy tears usakumya in love usakumya embarassed
usakumya sorryusakumya waving
Usakumya with the btssb logo
Usakumya blushing Kumakumya happy Usakumya saying yes
Usakumya Kumakumya pair Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter Usakumya upside down Usakumya saying thank you
Usakumya Usakumya Usakumya
Usakumya Usakumya Usakumya
Usakumya Usakumya Usakumya
Kumakumya waiting Usakumyahiding Usakumya Kumakumya hiding
Usakumya in the bath tub Kumakumya thinking Usakumya waking up
Kumakumya not good usakumya ok Kumakumya deciding
Usakumya begging please usakumya kumakumya congratulations Usakumya mega angry
Kumakumya laughing Usakumya with shopping bags Kumakumya sitting
Kumakumya drinking tea Usakumya kumakumya tea party Kumakumya good night
Kumakumya bowing Usakumya sitting with the back turned to us Kumakumya yes sir!
Usakumya mega kawaii Usakumya agreeing Usakumya mega shy

Acredito que todas elas foram criadas pela equipe da BTSSB para o aplicativo Line. Eu não uso o Line, mas salvar as imagens me permite usá-las no Whatsapp e no Telegram também. Eu não possuo nenhum direito sobre as imagens, sinta-se à vontade para copiá-las e usá-las como quiser.

I believe they were all created by the BTSSB team for the Line app. I don't use Line, but saving the images allows me to use them on Whatsapp and Telegram as well. I don't own any rights, feel free to copy them and use them how you want.

Source / Fonte

Source / Fonte

Eu sei que pode soar meio bobo, mas num mundo no qual tudo na internet é tão temporário, eu realmente quero preservar as coisas que gosto. Já que essas imagenzinhas são fofíssimas, eu espero que elas possam continuar visíveis aqui mesmo que o site da Line de alguma forma não esteja mais no ar.

It can sound kinda silly, but in a world where everything in the internet is so temporary, I really want to preserve the things I like. Since these little images are adorable, I hope they can stay visible here even if the Line page gets down somehow.

Kumakumya and Usakumya holding hands

Por hoje é isso, até a próxima vez! Beijinhos ♡

That's it for today, see you next time! Kisses ♡

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