Thursday, October 13, 2022

Autumn Tartan ♡

today's outfit preview

Outfit de hoje - um vestido xadrez para ficar quentinha no outomo!

Today's outfit - a cute tartan-style dress to feel warm in autumn!

Precisei sair pra fazer umas burocracias e coisas na rua. Estava friozinho mas não muito, uns 13°C aqui em Berlim, e achei que era uma boa oportunidade de usar algo fofo mas discreto ♥

I had to go out for some bureaucracies and errands. It was cold but not much, like 13°C here in Berlin, and I thought it was a good opportunity to dress up cute but in a more toned down way ♥

lolita fashion outfit with grey tartan dress with bordeaux shirt and black tights and shoes

Eu já tinha feito uma prévia desse outfit no meu instagram, mas foi muito bom poder usar e me sentir confortável com essas roupas lindas!

I had already made a preview of this outfit on my instagram, but it was really nice to wear and feel comfy with these cute clothes!

lolita fashion outfit with grey tartan dress with bordeaux shirt and black tights and shoes

Coordinate rundown

JSK, petticoat and bloomers: MeLikesTea

Shirt, shoes, tights and whatever else: offbrand

lolita fashion outfit with grey tartan dress with bordeaux shirt and black tights and shoes

Sim, ele tem BOLSOS! ❤ Yes, it has POCKETS! ❤

hello kitty angel pixel art

Por hoje é isso, até a próxima vez! Beijinhos ♡

That's it for today, see you next time! Kisses ♡


  1. Que fofo, eu adorei!

  2. Que linda! E esse vestido é maravilhoso!

    1. Obrigadinha! Eu gosto muito desse JSK porque dá pra usar bem casual, e o shape dele é lindo no corpo!
